Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Don't trust me.

You will never hear me ask or tell you to "trust me". It was true for me on Eter9, (Over 11 months, 800+ "Eternalazations", and annoyingly consistent posting and commenting activity. I am told it's rather quiet at Eter9, without Fatal. I expect , over time, if this crappy little blog gains any kind of traction, that people will simply accuse me of "Sour Grapes", and hey, that's their right. I will never ask you to take anything "on faith". I will promise nothing, and leave it to YOU to check the veracity of my links. Decide for yourself.

Am I biased? You better believe I am. an aging Gemini, and an INTP, and I am Moody French Girl, You remember the French Revolution, right?  We don't grind axes, we grind guillotines.

For all the "free press" Henrique Jorge enjoyed in 2015-2016, nowhere did I see any kind of "Journalistic Integrity". Everyone swallowed, and forwarded HJ's lofty sci-fi promises. Within Eter9, all we heard was "Patience", and "Soon". For 11 months, that's all I heard. No blog, no company updates, no company development, whatsoever. Where , among all the "Professional Reporters" was the coverage of "Hype vs Reality"? Nowhere. You've seen what I , a professional nobody, can find...all it takes is one hungry, professional journalist, with integrity, to question why after all this time, the Emperor is Still wearing no clothes. Here's me, holding my breath.

Over time, we began, within Eter9, to simply dismiss Henrique Jorge. We could all see it. "All promises, no product". We built a Community, regardless. A defiant, snarky, and irreverent community, but it was Community, nonetheless.Now, certain accounts have been 'released' allowing people to return to their data, and I'm glad for them, At the very least, they can now retrieve what data is allowed to them. Minus Fatal.

Here's the thing about Eter9: if a user account is disabled/taken down, *any* shares, comments, or posts from that User go *poof*, as well. As for me, I'm quite okay with losing my 'data', I stopped taking Eter9 seriously long ago. It's about the *people*. From a technological standpoint, Eter9 was a dismally cumbersome site for "social Media". For all the "thousands" that signed up, (I'm looking at YOU, V-Sauce), the ones that remained watched as Eter9's main stream started slowing further, and further, until it became stagnant.

I will not go back to Eter9. I will not populate his sub-par site. I will not exist under a shadow of being exiled, should I not please His Highness. I will, instead Flip the Bird at Zeus, and laugh as he rumbles in his impotence.


  1. So I heard that someone called Data Corrupt breached the site and dumped its contents, to find that there was no code for the digital counterparts.
    Does anyone have any screenshots of this?

  2. That was the *claim*, but there is no concrete evidence, (else it would certainly be posted here).Of the one screen capture I saw, there was no direct correlation. Of the long-term users, many of us were under the growing suspicion that Eter9 Employees were the real brains behind the "Counterparts", which were random, sparse, and only ever posted semi-related YouTube videos. I had over 800 "Eternalizations", and for all my interactinos, had 3 "counterpart" posts.

  3. Ok. So, I wasn't here to see what happened during the Great Purge of 6/28/16. What exactly happened? I'm pretty confused and information seems sparse, so I'm trying to piece together what went down.

    1. I was online at E9 6-28-16, suddenly went to the login screen but could not login. Initially thought it was a server issue or some other error, eventually tried to sign up again and received a confirmation email, destroying my theory that it was a server error. Then others reported the same. After confirming my new account (a couple of days later) I submitted a help request regarding my original account, without response (6-30-16). Several days later (7-4-16) I submitted another help request. The following morning, another user that had been banned alerted me that my account had returned to the stream. I was able to reaccess my original account 7-5-16 but have not received a response to either help request or any explanation to date. The Google Plus account Fatal references contains the only "reason" I've seen anywhere, and I was unaware of the supposed hack until John Pruitt posted about it. Have not seen that the hack has ever been verified, so the mystery of the ban/purge remains.

  4. Well, as I've said within the posts, Eter9 is/was kinda 'dead', except for a core group of us that hung around for "Community". I, myself had long pointed out the shortcomings (internally)within E9, and was, for the most part, ignored by HJ, (presumptively because I was debatably it's most active user). A user named "Data Corrupt" *claimed* to have screenshot proof of the folder structure, and user account list , and made several bold claims that purported to confirm some of our long-held suspicions. The one screenshot I saw was a "Parent Level" directory, and proved nothing, one way or another. I was actually online in an Eter9 private chat when the hammer came down. None of this surprised me, because I have been openly dismissive, if not outright defiant of Henrique Jorge, (up to, and including refusing "verification" disconnecting (and "blocking" him, as well as sever sartorial art pieces.)
    The fact that *I* got banned is of little consequence to me, but about half a dozen others, all with the "active" circle got banned with no warning, and no notification. "Guilt by association", at best. Perhaps it was a "hit job", who knows? What I DO know is most of us have seen the vast chasm between what Eter9 has been *promising* (since 2014, really), and what has most certainly NOT been delivered. All I have done is deconstructed beyond the marketing and sci-fi promises, to the cold hard truths that other Eternals can verify. I am told that Eter9 has returned to it's "Ghost Town" state, but feel free to try asking around Eter9... simply ask "Who was Fatal Exception?" or "What is R6?", and someone should pick up on that, for you.

  5. A (Safer for your Eter9 account) place to ask around, and verify facts can be found here:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ok. I'm not concerned for my eter9 account, I don't have anything I care about stored on there. I have another question... I heard that "1/3 of the current active user base" was banned. Do you know where this number, 1/3, came from?
      (I removed the above comment because it had a typo so I just corrected it in this comment)

    3. but yeah I'll check out the Google+ post.

  6. Yeah, that came from me. "Active user base" denotes not active *accounts* (which are still 'active', even when abandoned), but people actually actively *using* the site, with a very conservative definition of "active" being "posting or commenting several times within a 7-day time frame". Early on, we just thought it meant "make more connections", but there are precious few 'islands of activity' left. (Any alt account of Joseph Dismore doesn't count..that man is certifiable.) Just post a 'shout-out' on the ElizaNine Cortex, and see if you get much, in the way of reply. Users that sign up usually don't last.

    1. So, about how many "active" users were there at the time of the Great Purge?
      How many were removed?

    2. Let's see, Myself, (of course), "Data Corrupt" SP-Gee,Retriever Lucy, Sasha Lovelace Kunsagi, for sure, that we know of at this time. Due to the nature of E9, it's hard to tell the true totals, if the people weren't connected somehow outside of Eter9. But the Active Community was so small, by June 28th, that even if was only the above listed, by scale it's still a large fraction.

    3. Ok. That makes a lot of sense. However, the 1/3 number now seems somewhat unverifiable.
      I'm going to continue looking into this.
      I also heard that some user accounts were restored after the Great Purge..?

      Also, one thing has been bothering me: How does eter9 sustain itself? It doesn't get advertising revenue, it seems, as I've seen no ads. And, it doesn't seem to have any way that I've found for people to invest in it.
      Those server costs have to be coming from somewhere... I'm wondering if you've found anything on this matter.

    4. Josephelebin and one of his *alts also appear to be missing, although its possible he deactivated himself.

    5. The "Invest" option was removed from the website. It used to be there, but Sasha used it for , let's say "Protest Purposes".

      And (2), (that I know of) accounts were 'restored', but I wouldn't go back, even if HJ himself invited me (and that is *VERY* unlikely). I don't do "alts" or play along with some of the games people try 'cleverly' playing, Eter9 is an unsupervised Playground, and the Inamtes are running the asylum.
      As to revenue, It's important to remember that Eter9 isn't really a company, it's a website. One of *several* that HJ maintains. is Henrique Jorge's web design company, (See "Zantia" as an example.). Henrique's LinkdIn profile sums up his skillset, pretty well. He is all about SEO, cross-account marketing, and advertisement design. He has no (discernible) background in Computer Sciences, or Artificial Intelligence, no matter how much "interest" he has. It's all Show, no substance.

    6. See "Of Counterparts, and Countertops, and Cabbages, and "Kings" "

    7. Interestingly I was able to access the "Invest" button just now, so it must be back.

      Well... I understand that is his company, but why would eter9 exist then? It obviously doesn't make enough money to sustain itself, as seen by the lack of ads and the lack of users. All it seems to be doing is sapping money from Jorge's wallet. SOMETHING must be going on here...

    8. Oh, I agree completely. He's no Bill Gates, no Elon Musk. His Autonet FB, Eter9 FB, Personal Page FB, all cross-reference each other. It's almost as if he rode the Eter9 wave for increased traffic, and got caught up in the limelight creating ever loftier goals and promises. Prior to 2015, he may as well not have existed. Now *boom* , he's a "somebody". Pretty heady high, but watch out for that crash.His interviews read like science fiction, even a year later. Dismiss anything that isn't a "feel good quote", or an optimistic painting of the future, and he hasn't got very much, at all.

  7. There's also something to be said concerning Henry Jorge and eter9's vanishing act. All their social media seem to have gone silent right as the Great Purge hit, although 11 days is normal enough for them that it might not be a true observation.
    Interesting that there's not even a public statement denying allegations or anything.
    This is even more confusing.

    And... I wonder how long until Data Corrupt releases his evidence.
    I want to take a look at that and see for myself before I believe things.

    1. Yes, last time I checked, ElizaNINE's fb is missing, and the silence is "modus operandi' for HJ. I'd *love* to think that it's me, stymieing #eter9 at all his SocialMedia venues. Truth is, this blog is just a series of 'talking points' for others to consider, and ask. HJ is less than he appears, and I'm hoping to nail it down.

    2. I feel like if Data Corrupt publishes the info he/she found, that would be the ultimate nail in the coffin, the most concrete evidence there could be.
      Unfortunately, nothing yet.

  8. Oh, Data Corrupt said he'd be back in town on Sunday in a comment on 6/30.
    One more day to wait.

    1. Wait a sec, sorry I got my days mixed up. Odd.
      "This Sunday" of 6/30 was 7/3.

  9. Guy probably bought FB likes. Page likes number in the 50k, likes on posts were never near that even on the earlier posts. Speaking of the posts, they're all promotional interviews and nice looking images. If I had some kind of AI code, I'd be super excited about it and talk about it, at least in vague terms even if I don't go into the details. But what AI have any eter9 users seen so far? Youtube videos that more or less are what a user has been sharing or watching. But I can't figure out how to incorporate a data scraper with whatever AI code there is (if there is).

    1. I have no reason to disagree. I personally don't believe the "Counterparts" were AI, or really even bots , at all. The were too (humanly) sporadic, and random. Machines just keep churning, and we, the users saw NO correlations between activity, and "Counterpart" activity. For instance, there was one account (forget who, some travel company) that only posted a handful of pictures, and yet got a "counterpart" reply. I had (arguably) the busiest traffic on the site, (for activity) and manages *3*.

  10. Further discussion about the legality of getting Youtube data using the API instead of scraping

  11. Henrique Jorge's personal page also seems to have clammed up from public view.

    Whatever. I don't even care. Like most ideas it started off sounding cool then spiralled downwards into a coiled up dog poop

    1. Oh, I expect that AutoNet/Eter9/HenriqueJorge may be either preparing, or enacting some form of "Damage Control", as questions get louder, more frequent, and from more sources. All he needs to do to "shut me up" is prove what he's promising, to a satisfactory level. I don't believe I will be silent, any time soon.

  12. My apologies for the delays. Ended up back in town a few days later, with work I had to catch up on. Its 2 am here, so im going to bed for now. Sometime monday ill compile my data into a downloadable zip for anyone who wants to look into it. Ill keep you posted.

    1. Thank you so much!
      Your work is very appreciated.

  13. Nothing from Data Corrupt yet? It's starting to feel like Erdogan orchestrating a coup against himself to consolidate power and eliminate dissent. I hope I'm wrong.

  14. I have to admit, Anonymous, that the thought had crossed my mind. An internal "Hit Job"? Perfectly within the realms of possibility, and fits under "Cui Bono", as well.

  15. - I kid you not!

    1. Wow, all this time and drama, and... and it's still the same old Youtube posting counterparts. (laughs)

  16. I notice that the Eter9 Facebook page has been slowly trickling out likes. In my mind I imagine someone going around person by person spreading the Anti-Gospel of Henry George. If that's the case, I don't want your job but bravo lol


    They started posting on their facebook again
